I can't believe that our Tate is now 1-year-old!! He is such a cute and smiley boy and makes everyone happy when he is around them. He honestly has been such an easy and mellow kid up to this point and I hope he turns out to be a pretty easy toddler.....here's to hoping. :) We really enjoyed celebrating Tate's 1st birthday this month. On his actual birthday Jake was out of town so I made cinnamon rolls for his birthday treat, and then the Sunday following his birthday we had family over to have cake and ice cream. Our family was so generous and gave him some fun gifts and it was fun to celebrate with them. I wanted Tate's cake to be chocolate, but when I went to make it I didn't have any chocolate cake mixes left so we went with rainbow chip. Tate didn't really know what to think of it, but finally dug in. He is still as big as ever, and not really crawling or walking at this point. He is doing an army crawl and shuffle backwards thing, and I am sure he will be crawling like crazy in no time. At his 1 year checkup he was:
Height: 33 inches--90th percentile
Weight: 25.5 lbs.--95th percentile
Head circumference: 19 cm--99th percentile
We love you Tater-bug, here's to many more happy birthdays!!
enjoying the candle on his birthday cinnamon roll.
He is so stinking cute! And he for sure is a tank but an adorable one at that! I can't believe he is already one, it has gone by so fast.
Wow he's grown up fast, didn't you just have him yesterday!? What a cutie!
I had no idea Abby had to get her tonsils out, poor thing! I'm glad she's starting to feel better, she looks so tiny and nervous in those pictures! What a trooper.
So stinkin cute! He did grow up fast! Poor Abby I didn't know about her surgery, maybe you said something at girls night and I was in my corner so I didn't hear, or maybe all us loud mouths didn't let you get a word in! HA...anyway so sorry and glad it went well, what a trooper!
How is Tate one already? What happened? He looks adorable in all the b-day pics. I think him and Abby look so much alike. Cute stuff.
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